A worksheet (i.e. a tab) in a spreadsheet. Use GoogleSpreadsheet::Spreadsheet#worksheets to get GoogleSpreadsheet::Worksheet object.
URL of cell-based feed of the worksheet.
Returns content of the cell as String. Arguments must be either (row number, column number) or cell name. Top-left cell is [1, 1].
worksheet[2, 1] #=> "hoge" worksheet["A2"] #=> "hoge"
# File lib/google_spreadsheet/worksheet.rb, line 69 def [](*args) (row, col) = parse_cell_args(args) return self.cells[[row, col]] || "" end
Updates content of the cell. Arguments in the bracket must be either (row number, column number) or cell name. Note that update is not sent to the server until you call save(). Top-left cell is [1, 1].
worksheet[2, 1] = "hoge" worksheet["A2"] = "hoge" worksheet[1, 3] = "=A1+B1"
# File lib/google_spreadsheet/worksheet.rb, line 83 def []=(*args) (row, col) = parse_cell_args(args[0...-1]) value = args[-1].to_s() reload() if !@cells @cells[[row, col]] = value @input_values[[row, col]] = value @modified.add([row, col]) self.max_rows = row if row > @max_rows self.max_cols = col if col > @max_cols end
DEPRECATED: Table and Record feeds are deprecated and they will not be available after March 2012.
Creates table for the worksheet and returns GoogleSpreadsheet::Table. See this document for details: code.google.com/intl/en/apis/spreadsheets/docs/3.0/developers_guide_protocol.html#TableFeeds
# File lib/google_spreadsheet/worksheet.rb, line 335 def add_table(table_title, summary, columns, options) warn( "DEPRECATED: Google Spreadsheet Table and Record feeds are deprecated and they " + "will not be available after March 2012.") default_options = { :header_row => 1, :num_rows => 0, :start_row => 2} options = default_options.merge(options) column_xml = "" columns.each() do |index, name| column_xml += "<gs:column index='#{h(index)}' name='#{h(name)}'/>\n" end xml = " <entry xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xmlns:gs="http://schemas.google.com/spreadsheets/2006"> <title type='text'>#{h(table_title)}</title> <summary type='text'>#{h(summary)}</summary> <gs:worksheet name='#{h(self.title)}' /> <gs:header row='#{options[:header_row]}' /> <gs:data numRows='#{options[:num_rows]}' startRow='#{options[:start_row]}'> #{column_xml} </gs:data> </entry> " result = @session.request(:post, self.spreadsheet.tables_feed_url, :data => xml) return Table.new(@session, result) end
Returns a [row, col] pair for a cell name string. e.g.
worksheet.cell_name_to_row_col("C2") #=> [2, 3]
# File lib/google_spreadsheet/worksheet.rb, line 406 def cell_name_to_row_col(cell_name) if !cell_name.is_a?(String) raise(ArgumentError, "Cell name must be a string: %p" % cell_name) end if !(cell_name.upcase =~ %r^([A-Z]+)(\d+)$/) raise(ArgumentError, "Cell name must be only letters followed by digits with no spaces in between: %p" % cell_name) end col = 0 $1.each_byte() do |b| # 0x41: "A" col = col * 26 + (b - 0x41 + 1) end row = $2.to_i() return [row, col] end
Deletes this worksheet. Deletion takes effect right away without calling save().
# File lib/google_spreadsheet/worksheet.rb, line 318 def delete() ws_doc = @session.request(:get, self.worksheet_feed_url) edit_url = ws_doc.css("link[rel='edit']")[0]["href"] @session.request(:delete, edit_url) end
Returns true if you have changes made by []= which haven’t been saved.
# File lib/google_spreadsheet/worksheet.rb, line 325 def dirty? return !@modified.empty? end
Returns the value or the formula of the cell. Arguments must be either (row number, column number) or cell name. Top-left cell is [1, 1].
If user input “=A1+B1” to cell [1, 3]:
worksheet[1, 3] #=> "3" for example worksheet.input_value(1, 3) #=> "=RC[-2]+RC[-1]"
# File lib/google_spreadsheet/worksheet.rb, line 113 def input_value(*args) (row, col) = parse_cell_args(args) reload() if !@cells return @input_values[[row, col]] || "" end
# File lib/google_spreadsheet/worksheet.rb, line 424 def inspect fields = {:worksheet_feed_url => self.worksheet_feed_url} fields[:title] = @title if @title return "\#<%p %s>" % [self.class, fields.map(){ |k, v| "%s=%p" % [k, v] }.join(", ")] end
Provides access to cells using column names, assuming the first row contains column names. Returned object is GoogleSpreadsheet::List which you can use mostly as Array of Hash.
e.g. Assuming the first row is [“x”, “y”]:
worksheet.list[0]["x"] #=> "1" # i.e. worksheet[2, 1] worksheet.list[0]["y"] #=> "2" # i.e. worksheet[2, 2] worksheet.list[1]["x"] = "3" # i.e. worksheet[3, 1] = "3" worksheet.list[1]["y"] = "4" # i.e. worksheet[3, 2] = "4" worksheet.list.push({"x" => "5", "y" => "6"})
Note that update is not sent to the server until you call save().
# File lib/google_spreadsheet/worksheet.rb, line 399 def list return @list ||= List.new(self) end
List feed URL of the worksheet.
# File lib/google_spreadsheet/worksheet.rb, line 378 def list_feed_url # Gets the worksheets metafeed. entry = @session.request(:get, self.worksheet_feed_url) # Gets the URL of list-based feed for the given spreadsheet. return entry.css( "link[rel='http://schemas.google.com/spreadsheets/2006#listfeed']")[0]["href"] end
Number of columns including empty columns.
# File lib/google_spreadsheet/worksheet.rb, line 146 def max_cols reload() if !@cells return @max_cols end
Updates number of columns. Note that update is not sent to the server until you call save().
# File lib/google_spreadsheet/worksheet.rb, line 153 def max_cols=(cols) reload() if !@cells @max_cols = cols @meta_modified = true end
Number of rows including empty rows.
# File lib/google_spreadsheet/worksheet.rb, line 132 def max_rows reload() if !@cells return @max_rows end
Updates number of rows. Note that update is not sent to the server until you call save().
# File lib/google_spreadsheet/worksheet.rb, line 139 def max_rows=(rows) reload() if !@cells @max_rows = rows @meta_modified = true end
Column number of the right-most non-empty column.
# File lib/google_spreadsheet/worksheet.rb, line 126 def num_cols reload() if !@cells return @input_values.select(){ |(r, c), v| !v.empty? }.map(){ |(r, c), v| c }.max || 0 end
Row number of the bottom-most non-empty row.
# File lib/google_spreadsheet/worksheet.rb, line 120 def num_rows reload() if !@cells return @input_values.select(){ |(r, c), v| !v.empty? }.map(){ |(r, c), v| r }.max || 0 end
Reloads content of the worksheets from the server. Note that changes you made by []= etc. is discarded if you haven’t called save().
# File lib/google_spreadsheet/worksheet.rb, line 191 def reload() doc = @session.request(:get, @cells_feed_url) @max_rows = doc.css("gs|rowCount").text.to_i() @max_cols = doc.css("gs|colCount").text.to_i() @title = doc.css("feed > title")[0].text @cells = {} @input_values = {} doc.css("feed > entry").each() do |entry| cell = entry.css("gs|cell")[0] row = cell["row"].to_i() col = cell["col"].to_i() @cells[[row, col]] = cell.inner_text @input_values[[row, col]] = cell["inputValue"] end @modified.clear() @meta_modified = false return true end
An array of spreadsheet rows. Each row contains an array of columns. Note that resulting array is 0-origin so worksheet.rows[0] == worksheet[1, 1].
# File lib/google_spreadsheet/worksheet.rb, line 181 def rows(skip = 0) nc = self.num_cols result = ((1 + skip)..self.num_rows).map() do |row| (1..nc).map(){ |col| self[row, col] }.freeze() end return result.freeze() end
Saves your changes made by []=, etc. to the server.
# File lib/google_spreadsheet/worksheet.rb, line 214 def save() sent = false if @meta_modified ws_doc = @session.request(:get, self.worksheet_feed_url) edit_url = ws_doc.css("link[rel='edit']")[0]["href"] xml = " <entry xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom' xmlns:gs='http://schemas.google.com/spreadsheets/2006'> <title>#{h(self.title)}</title> <gs:rowCount>#{h(self.max_rows)}</gs:rowCount> <gs:colCount>#{h(self.max_cols)}</gs:colCount> </entry> " @session.request(:put, edit_url, :data => xml) @meta_modified = false sent = true end if !@modified.empty? # Gets id and edit URL for each cell. # Note that return-empty=true is required to get those info for empty cells. cell_entries = {} rows = @modified.map(){ |r, c| r } cols = @modified.map(){ |r, c| c } url = concat_url(@cells_feed_url, "?return-empty=true&min-row=#{rows.min}&max-row=#{rows.max}" + "&min-col=#{cols.min}&max-col=#{cols.max}") doc = @session.request(:get, url) doc.css("entry").each() do |entry| row = entry.css("gs|cell")[0]["row"].to_i() col = entry.css("gs|cell")[0]["col"].to_i() cell_entries[[row, col]] = entry end # Updates cell values using batch operation. # If the data is large, we split it into multiple operations, otherwise batch may fail. @modified.each_slice(250) do |chunk| xml = " <feed xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xmlns:batch="http://schemas.google.com/gdata/batch" xmlns:gs="http://schemas.google.com/spreadsheets/2006"> <id>#{h(@cells_feed_url)}</id> " for row, col in chunk value = @cells[[row, col]] entry = cell_entries[[row, col]] id = entry.css("id").text edit_url = entry.css("link[rel='edit']")[0]["href"] xml << " <entry> <batch:id>#{h(row)},#{h(col)}</batch:id> <batch:operation type="update"/> <id>#{h(id)}</id> <link rel="edit" type="application/atom+xml" href="#{h(edit_url)}"/> <gs:cell row="#{h(row)}" col="#{h(col)}" inputValue="#{h(value)}"/> </entry> " end xml << " </feed> " batch_url = concat_url(@cells_feed_url, "/batch") result = @session.request(:post, batch_url, :data => xml) result.css("atom|entry").each() do |entry| interrupted = entry.css("batch|interrupted")[0] if interrupted raise(GoogleSpreadsheet::Error, "Update has failed: %s" % interrupted["reason"]) end if !(entry.css("batch|status").first["code"] =~ %r^2/) raise(GoogleSpreadsheet::Error, "Updating cell %s has failed: %s" % [entry.css("atom|id").text, entry.css("batch|status")[0]["reason"]]) end end end @modified.clear() sent = true end return sent end
GoogleSpreadsheet::Spreadsheet which this worksheet belongs to.
# File lib/google_spreadsheet/worksheet.rb, line 51 def spreadsheet if !@spreadsheet if !(@cells_feed_url =~ %r{^https?://spreadsheets.google.com/feeds/cells/(.*)/(.*)/private/full(\?.*)?$}) raise(GoogleSpreadsheet::Error, "Cells feed URL is in unknown format: #{@cells_feed_url}") end @spreadsheet = @session.spreadsheet_by_key($1) end return @spreadsheet end
Calls save() and reload().
# File lib/google_spreadsheet/worksheet.rb, line 312 def synchronize() save() reload() end
DEPRECATED: Table and Record feeds are deprecated and they will not be available after March 2012.
Returns list of tables for the workwheet.
# File lib/google_spreadsheet/worksheet.rb, line 370 def tables warn( "DEPRECATED: Google Spreadsheet Table and Record feeds are deprecated and they " + "will not be available after March 2012.") return self.spreadsheet.tables.select(){ |t| t.worksheet_title == self.title } end
Title of the worksheet (shown as tab label in Web interface).
# File lib/google_spreadsheet/worksheet.rb, line 160 def title reload() if !@title return @title end
Updates title of the worksheet. Note that update is not sent to the server until you call save().
# File lib/google_spreadsheet/worksheet.rb, line 167 def title=(title) reload() if !@cells @title = title @meta_modified = true end
Updates cells in a rectangle area by a two-dimensional Array.
and left_col
specifies the top-left
corner of the area.
worksheet.update_cells(2, 3, [["1", "2"], ["3", "4"]])
# File lib/google_spreadsheet/worksheet.rb, line 99 def update_cells(top_row, left_col, darray) darray.each_with_index() do |array, y| array.each_with_index() do |value, x| self[top_row + y, left_col + x] = value end end end
URL of worksheet feed URL of the worksheet.
# File lib/google_spreadsheet/worksheet.rb, line 38 def worksheet_feed_url # I don't know good way to get worksheet feed URL from cells feed URL. # Probably it would be cleaner to keep worksheet feed URL and get cells feed URL # from it. if !(@cells_feed_url =~ %r{^https?://spreadsheets.google.com/feeds/cells/(.*)/(.*)/private/full((\?.*)?)$}) raise(GoogleSpreadsheet::Error, "Cells feed URL is in unknown format: #{@cells_feed_url}") end return "https://spreadsheets.google.com/feeds/worksheets/#{$1}/private/full/#{$2}#{$3}" end