Use GoogleSpreadsheet::Session#collection_by_url to get GoogleSpreadsheet::Collection object.
Adds the given GoogleSpreadsheet::Spreadsheet to the collection.
# File lib/google_spreadsheet/collection.rb, line 24 def add(spreadsheet) contents_url = concat_url(@collection_feed_url, "/contents") header = {"GData-Version" => "3.0", "Content-Type" => "application/atom+xml"} xml = " <entry xmlns=""> <id>#{h(spreadsheet.document_feed_url)}</id> </entry> " @session.request( :post, contents_url, :data => xml, :header => header, :auth => :writely) return nil end
Returns all the spreadsheets in the collection.
# File lib/google_spreadsheet/collection.rb, line 38 def spreadsheets contents_url = concat_url(@collection_feed_url, "/contents") header = {"GData-Version" => "3.0", "Content-Type" => "application/atom+xml"} doc = @session.request(:get, contents_url, :header => header, :auth => :writely) result = [] for entry in doc.css("feed > entry") title = entry.css("title").text worksheets_feed_link = entry.css( "link[rel='']")[0] if worksheets_feed_link result.push( @session, worksheets_feed_link["href"], title)) end end return result end