A spreadsheet.
Use methods in GoogleSpreadsheet::Session to get GoogleSpreadsheet::Spreadsheet object.
URL of worksheet-based feed of the spreadsheet.
Returns GoogleSpreadsheet::Acl object for the spreadsheet.
With the object, you can see and modify people who can access the spreadsheet. Modifications take effect immediately.
Set params[:reload]
to true to force reloading the title.
# Dumps people who have access: for entry in spreadsheet.acl p [entry.scope_type, entry.scope, entry.role] # => e.g. ["user", "example1@gmail.com", "owner"] end # Shares the spreadsheet with new people: # NOTE: This sends email to the new people. spreadsheet.acl.push( {:scope_type => "user", :scope => "example2@gmail.com", :role => "reader"}) spreadsheet.acl.push( {:scope_type => "user", :scope => "example3@gmail.com", :role => "writer"}) # Changes the role of a person: spreadsheet.acl[1].role = "writer" # Deletes an ACL entry: spreadsheet.acl.delete(spreadsheet.acl[1])
# File lib/google_spreadsheet/spreadsheet.rb, line 271 def acl(params = {}) if !@acl || params[:reload] @acl = Acl.new(@session, self.acl_feed_url) end return @acl end
ACL feed URL of the spreadsheet.
# File lib/google_spreadsheet/spreadsheet.rb, line 82 def acl_feed_url orig_acl_feed_url = document_feed_entry.css( "gd|feedLink[rel='http://schemas.google.com/acl/2007#accessControlList']")[0]["href"] case orig_acl_feed_url when %r{^https?://docs.google.com/feeds/default/private/full/.*/acl$} return orig_acl_feed_url when %r{^https?://docs.google.com/feeds/acl/private/full/([^\?]*)(\?.*)?$} # URL of old API version. Converts to v3 URL. return "https://docs.google.com/feeds/default/private/full/#{$1}/acl" else raise(GoogleSpreadsheet::Error, "ACL feed URL is in unknown format: #{orig_acl_feed_url}") end end
Adds a new worksheet to the spreadsheet. Returns added GoogleSpreadsheet::Worksheet.
# File lib/google_spreadsheet/spreadsheet.rb, line 229 def add_worksheet(title, max_rows = 100, max_cols = 20) xml = " <entry xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom' xmlns:gs='http://schemas.google.com/spreadsheets/2006'> <title>#{h(title)}</title> <gs:rowCount>#{h(max_rows)}</gs:rowCount> <gs:colCount>#{h(max_cols)}</gs:colCount> </entry> " doc = @session.request(:post, @worksheets_feed_url, :data => xml) url = doc.css( "link[rel='http://schemas.google.com/spreadsheets/2006#cellsfeed']")[0]["href"] return Worksheet.new(@session, self, url, title) end
If permanent
is false
, moves the spreadsheet to
the trash. If permanent
is true
, deletes the
spreadsheet permanently.
# File lib/google_spreadsheet/spreadsheet.rb, line 139 def delete(permanent = false) @session.request(:delete, self.document_feed_url + (permanent ? "?delete=true" : ""), :auth => :writely, :header => {"If-Match" => "*"}) end
<entry> element of document list feed as Nokogiri::XML::Element.
Set params to true to force reloading the feed.
# File lib/google_spreadsheet/spreadsheet.rb, line 111 def document_feed_entry(params = {}) if !@document_feed_entry || params[:reload] @document_feed_entry = @session.request(:get, self.document_feed_url, :auth => :writely).css("entry")[0] end return @document_feed_entry end
URL of feed used in document list feed API.
# File lib/google_spreadsheet/spreadsheet.rb, line 77 def document_feed_url return "https://docs.google.com/feeds/documents/private/full/spreadsheet%3A#{self.key}" end
Creates copy of this spreadsheet with the given title.
# File lib/google_spreadsheet/spreadsheet.rb, line 120 def duplicate(new_title = nil) new_title ||= (self.title ? "Copy of " + self.title : "Untitled") post_url = "https://docs.google.com/feeds/default/private/full/" header = {"GData-Version" => "3.0", "Content-Type" => "application/atom+xml"} xml = " <entry xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom'> <id>#{h(self.document_feed_url)}</id> <title>#{h(new_title)}</title> </entry> " doc = @session.request( :post, post_url, :data => xml, :header => header, :auth => :writely) ss_url = doc.css( "link[rel='http://schemas.google.com/spreadsheets/2006#worksheetsfeed']")[0]["href"] return Spreadsheet.new(@session, ss_url, new_title) end
Exports the spreadsheet in format
as a local file.
can be either "xls", "csv", "pdf", "ods", "tsv" or
"html". If format
is nil, it is guessed from the file name. In
format such as "csv", only the worksheet specified with
is exported.
spreadsheet.export_as_file("hoge.ods") spreadsheet.export_as_file("hoge.csv", nil, 0)
# File lib/google_spreadsheet/spreadsheet.rb, line 187 def export_as_file(local_path, format = nil, worksheet_index = nil) if !format format = File.extname(local_path).gsub(%r^\./, "") if !SUPPORTED_EXPORT_FORMAT.include?(format) raise(ArgumentError, ("Cannot guess format from the file name: %s\n" + "Specify format argument explicitly.") % local_path) end end open(local_path, "wb") do |f| f.write(export_as_string(format, worksheet_index)) end end
Exports the spreadsheet in format
and returns it as String.
can be either "xls", "csv", "pdf", "ods", "tsv" or
"html". In format such as "csv", only the worksheet specified with
is exported.
# File lib/google_spreadsheet/spreadsheet.rb, line 170 def export_as_string(format, worksheet_index = nil) gid_param = worksheet_index ? "&gid=#{worksheet_index}" : "" url = "https://spreadsheets.google.com/feeds/download/spreadsheets/Export" + "?key=#{key}&exportFormat=#{format}#{gid_param}" return @session.request(:get, url, :response_type => :raw) end
URL which you can open the spreadsheet in a Web browser with.
e.g. “spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=pz7XtlQC-PYx-jrVMJErTcg”
# File lib/google_spreadsheet/spreadsheet.rb, line 60 def human_url # Uses Document feed because Spreadsheet feed returns wrong URL for Apps account. return self.document_feed_entry.css("link[rel='alternate']")[0]["href"] end
# File lib/google_spreadsheet/spreadsheet.rb, line 290 def inspect fields = {:worksheets_feed_url => self.worksheets_feed_url} fields[:title] = @title if @title return "\#<%p %s>" % [self.class, fields.map(){ |k, v| "%s=%p" % [k, v] }.join(", ")] end
Key of the spreadsheet.
# File lib/google_spreadsheet/spreadsheet.rb, line 43 def key if !(@worksheets_feed_url =~ %r{^https?://spreadsheets.google.com/feeds/worksheets/(.*)/private/.*$}) raise(GoogleSpreadsheet::Error, "Worksheets feed URL is in unknown format: #{@worksheets_feed_url}") end return $1 end
Renames title of the spreadsheet.
# File lib/google_spreadsheet/spreadsheet.rb, line 146 def rename(title) doc = @session.request(:get, self.document_feed_url, :auth => :writely) edit_url = doc.css("link[rel='edit']").first["href"] xml = " <atom:entry xmlns:atom="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom" xmlns:docs="http://schemas.google.com/docs/2007"> <atom:category scheme="http://schemas.google.com/g/2005#kind" term="http://schemas.google.com/docs/2007#spreadsheet" label="spreadsheet"/> <atom:title>#{h(title)}</atom:title> </atom:entry> " @session.request(:put, edit_url, :data => xml, :auth => :writely) end
<entry> element of spreadsheet feed as Nokogiri::XML::Element.
Set params to true to force reloading the feed.
# File lib/google_spreadsheet/spreadsheet.rb, line 100 def spreadsheet_feed_entry(params = {}) if !@spreadsheet_feed_entry || params[:reload] @spreadsheet_feed_entry = @session.request(:get, self.spreadsheet_feed_url).css("entry")[0] end return @spreadsheet_feed_entry end
Spreadsheet feed URL of the spreadsheet.
# File lib/google_spreadsheet/spreadsheet.rb, line 53 def spreadsheet_feed_url return "https://spreadsheets.google.com/feeds/spreadsheets/private/full/#{self.key}" end
DEPRECATED: Table and Record feeds are deprecated and they will not be available after March 2012.
Returns list of tables in the spreadsheet.
# File lib/google_spreadsheet/spreadsheet.rb, line 282 def tables warn( "DEPRECATED: Google Spreadsheet Table and Record feeds are deprecated and they " + "will not be available after March 2012.") doc = @session.request(:get, self.tables_feed_url) return doc.css("entry").map(){ |e| Table.new(@session, e) }.freeze() end
DEPRECATED: Table and Record feeds are deprecated and they will not be available after March 2012.
Tables feed URL of the spreadsheet.
# File lib/google_spreadsheet/spreadsheet.rb, line 69 def tables_feed_url warn( "DEPRECATED: Google Spreadsheet Table and Record feeds are deprecated and they " + "will not be available after March 2012.") return "https://spreadsheets.google.com/feeds/#{self.key}/tables" end
Title of the spreadsheet.
Set params to true to force reloading the title.
# File lib/google_spreadsheet/spreadsheet.rb, line 35 def title(params = {}) if !@title || params[:reload] @title = spreadsheet_feed_entry(params).css("title").text end return @title end
Returns a GoogleSpreadsheet::Worksheet with the given title in the spreadsheet.
Returns nil if not found. Returns the first one when multiple worksheets with the title are found.
# File lib/google_spreadsheet/spreadsheet.rb, line 224 def worksheet_by_title(title) return self.worksheets.find(){ |ws| ws.title == title } end
Returns worksheets of the spreadsheet as array of GoogleSpreadsheet::Worksheet.
# File lib/google_spreadsheet/spreadsheet.rb, line 203 def worksheets doc = @session.request(:get, @worksheets_feed_url) if doc.root.name != "feed" raise(GoogleSpreadsheet::Error, "%s doesn't look like a worksheets feed URL because its root is not <feed>." % @worksheets_feed_url) end result = [] doc.css("entry").each() do |entry| title = entry.css("title").text url = entry.css( "link[rel='http://schemas.google.com/spreadsheets/2006#cellsfeed']")[0]["href"] result.push(Worksheet.new(@session, self, url, title)) end return result.freeze() end