Sig Bookmarkとは †
- ブックマークCGIです。
- CGIなので、自分のWebページに設置しておけば、どこでも同じブックマークを使えます。
- ブラウザの左側(パネル/サイドバー)に収まるので、ブラウザのブックマークと同じ感覚で使えます(下の写真参照、OperaとFirefoxのみ)。
- アクセス頻度順に表示します。
- インクリメンタル検索(絞り込み)ができます。
- 日本語をローマ字で検索することもできます(要kakasi)。
- JavaScriptだけで行うので、高速です。
- フォルダ分けの機能はありませんが、タグを使った検索ができます。
- Cookieを使ったパスワード認証機能があります。
デモ †
ダウンロード †
必要なもの †
Sig BookmarkはRubyで実装されたCGIです。CGIでRuby 1.8.xが使える必要があります。
インストール †
UNIX系のWebサーバに直接ログインできる場合 †
tar xvzfp sig-bookmark-1.0.tar.gz
PASSWORD= 'password'
FTPなどでアップロードする場合 †
PASSWORD= 'password'
main.cgi | 755 |
data.cgi | 666 |
その他全部 | 644 |
使い方 †
ページを追加する †
- [追加]ボタンをクリックして、出てきたダイアログにタイトル、URLを入力して[追加]をクリックします。
- ブックマークレット(後述)を使うと便利です。
ページを検索する †
- [追加]などのボタンのすぐ下にある入力欄に、ページのタイトルの先頭何文字かを入力します。入力と同時に、ページが絞り込まれていきます。
- 見たいページのタイトルが一番上に来たところで[Go]をクリックするか、タイトルを直接クリックします。
- ページの絞り込みを解除するには、[クリア]をクリックします。
ページを編集する †
- ページのタイトルの左のチェックボックスをチェックしてから、[編集]をクリックします。チェックボックスをダブルクリックしてもOKです。
- 出てきたダイアログにタイトル、URLを入力して[更新]をクリックします。
ページを削除する †
- ページのタイトルの左のチェックボックスをチェックしてから、[削除]をクリックします。
より便利に †
パネル/サイドバーに表示する †
ブラウザの左側(パネル/サイドバー)に、普通のブックマークの代わりにSig Bookmarkを表示させる方法を紹介します。ここではOperaとFirefoxの場合について紹介します。IEでもできそうなんですが方法が分からないので誰か教えてください(汗)。
Operaのパネルに表示する †
- Sig Bookmarkのページ(main.cgi)をOperaのブックマークに登録します。
- このとき、登録ページの[パネルに表示]にチェックしておきます。
- パネルの内容を選ぶリストの中にSig Bookmarkが追加されているので、これを選びます。
Firefoxのサイドバーに表示する †
- Sig Bookmarkのページ(main.cgi)をFirefoxのブックマークに登録します。
- [ブックマーク]-[ブックマークの管理]からSig Bookmarkの項目のプロパティを開き、[このブックマークをサイドバーに読み込む]にチェックします。
- FirefoxのブックマークからSig Bookmarkを開きます。
ブックマークレットを使う †
Sig Bookmarkの[追加]ボタンだと、ページのURLとタイトルを自分で入れなきゃいけないのが不便です。これはブックマークレットを使うと解消します。'http://〜/sig-bookmark/main.cgi?op=edit&title='+escape(document.title)+'&url='+escape(location.href), '_blank', 'width=480,height=360,resizable=1,scrollbars=1');undefined;
上のテキストをコピーして、ブックマークのURLの欄に貼り付けて登録してください。ただし、 〜 の部分は自分がSig Bookmarkを設置したURLに書き換えてください。
残念ながらSig Bookmark自身にこれを登録しても使えないので、ブラウザのブックマークに登録してください。
ブックマークに追加したいページを表示した状態で、上の手順で登録したブックマークをクリックすると、Sig Bookmarkの追加ダイアログが現れます。
ブックマークレットから追加した場合は、新しく追加したページは、手動でSig Bookmarkのページを更新するまで表示されないので、注意してください。
タグを使う †
- ブラウザを起動するたびにパスワードを求められる。
- ブラウザ起動直後(パスワードを求められてる状態)にSig Bookmarkのページを更新してみてください。
コメント/バグ報告 †
- ブックマークレットでページを追加したあと、CGIエラーで見れなくなることがあります。"["や"-"等の記号が入っているとエラーがでるようです。 -- xenon?
- ためしにタイトル、URL、コメントにすべて [- と書いて登録してみましたが、手元の環境ではエラーになりませんでした。差し支えなければ、エラーになった項目のタイトル、URL、コメントを教えてもらえますか? -- Gimite
- すみません。こちらでも再現しませんでした。 -- xenon?
- あ、このページ凍結しているんですね。 読みにくくなりますがURLはです。 タイトルはBookmarkletが取得したまま。 コメントは[XHTML]です。 不具合発生時はデータファイルを直接編集して記号以降を消したら直りました。 -- xenon?
- 上の「デモ」のページで試してみましたが、エラーになりませんでした…。Rubyのバージョン依存の問題かもしれません。もし分かれば、Rubyのバージョンを教えていただけますか? -- Gimite
- ruby 1.8.4 (2005-12-24) [i386-cygwin]です。上でも書きましたが再現しなくなりました。Rubyインストール後のリブートの有無が影響しているのかもしれません。 -- xenon?
- むむ。なるほど。了解です。 -- Gimite
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- [A][B]とタグをつけた場合、[B][A]と指定してもそのブックマークが選択できません。
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- I want to report a <a href=" ">where can i buy clomid online uk</a> This opening line of a Miami Herald editorial on Pope Francis' impromptu news conference while flying back from Brazil early this week represents mainstream media reaction to some of his extraordinarily revealing, unscripted remarks: "It was startling to hear Pope Francis declare, 'Who am I to judge a gay person of goodwill who seeks the Lord?' He is, after all, the supreme pontiff of the world's 1.2 billion Catholics, arbiter of moral issues and symbol of ecclesiastical rectitude. If he is not prepared to judge, why should anyone?" — The media are giving Pope Francis widespread applause for his comments hinting at a more progressive, more real-world and inclusive form of Catholicism. And I can hardly blame reporters. I, too, have written about Francis' endearing and refreshing style since his very first public acts and his renunciation of papal materialism. Francis is as close to Jesus, in terms of his love of the weakest among us, as any pope of my lifetime and well beyond. He is returning church mission and style to its roots. He is making it a loving, supportive, welcoming environment and pressing back against its recent judgmental and exclusive posture. -- Jeremiah?
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- Very Good Site <a href=" ">buy nolvadex online uk</a> I was recently on the trading floor of a large bank. Hundreds of people were sitting next to each other in rows, everyone visible to everyone else. The head of the department, one of the top ten people leading this multi-billion dollar company, worked in an office constructed entirely of glass. There was no place to hide. -- Devon?
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- How do you know each other? <a href=" ">washington irving essay</a> It is a fitting image near Bootle docks on a grey day. Beyond that is another poster, After Lunch by Patrick Caulfield, which was painted in 1975. Within his simple view of the interior of a restaurant is a picture of - or a portal to - a realistic, colourful chateau view. -- Vincenzo?
- Is this a temporary or permanent position? <a href=" ">essay games for kids</a> And now, Sandberg will get his first crack at being a major-league manager. He has the label of interim manager, though that could be just to satisfy MLB with the process of replacing Manuel. The expectation, reports Danny Knobler of, is that Sandberg will be the manager next season, too. -- Craig?
- Could I ask who's calling? <a href=" ">self reliance essay</a> The Islamist-drafted charter was "the most backward constitution in Egypt's history," said Mohamed Salmawy, spokesman for the new committee. “Amending the constitution is not possible as constitutions are not merely a set of articles but rather a soul and a philosophy.” -- Emily?
- A few months <a href=" ">best essay editing service review</a> Automatic Renewal Program: Your subscription will continue without interruption for as long as you wish, unless you instruct us otherwise. Your subscription will automatically renew at the end of the term unless you authorize cancellation. Each year, you'll receive a notice and you authorize that your credit/debit card will be charged the annual subscription rate(s). You may cancel at any time during your subscription and receive a full refund on all unsent issues. If your credit/debit card or other billing method can not be charged, we will bill you directly instead. -- Darwin?
- I'd like to withdraw $100, please <a href=" ">essay on raksha bandhan</a> The measure passed Wednesday pegs interest rates on student loans to the 10-year Treasury note plus 2.05 percentage points for undergraduates, and plus 3.6 percentage points for graduate student loans. -- Charlotte?
- I've only just arrived <a href=" ">the gothic revival an essay in the history of taste</a> âHe got hookers all the time,â one unidentified staffer told author Michael Gross for his upcoming book, âHouse of Outrageous Fortune: Fifteen Central Park West, The Worldâs Most Powerful Address.â -- Leah?
- Please wait <a href=" ">coca cola essay scholarship</a> This investment will help combat other health and humanitarian threats as well. In fact, the polio programâs surveillance infrastructure already assists in the detection of and response to other diseases, including measles, yellow fever and neonatal tetanus. -- Madison?
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- The National Gallery <a href=" ">artificial neural network thesis</a> U.S. auto sales have long been a bright spot in the U.S.economy, but there are signs that the overall market is gainingtraction. U.S. data released on Thursday indicated that growthcould accelerate in the second half of the year. -- Brooke?
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- Have you got any qualifications? <a href=" ">art institute admissions essay</a> Strike a pose like Jamelia in your Topshop Love dress or snap up one of our other stylish picks below. Go for a sports luxe take on the trend with a Lazy Oaf design or throw in some texture with a tassel trim from Boohoo, either way looking fabulous doesn't need to cost the world. -- Tommie?
- Sorry, I'm busy at the moment <a href=" ">science & technology essay</a> The high street chemist today said both its Soltan Beautiful Bronze Self-Tan Dry Mist Spray and the No.7 Perfectly Bronzed Self Tan 360 were no longer available as part of its "ongoing investigations" into a recall of another two products days ago. -- Avery?
- On another call <a href=" ">citing doctoral dissertation</a> Gregory, who was also chief operating officer of Lehman andlong worked alongside Chief Executive Richard "Dick" Fuld, waslet go in June 2008 along with Chief Financial Officer ErinCallan?. He had worked at Lehman for more than three decades. Thebank's failure in September 2008 was a major factor inprecipitating the global financial crisis. -- Irea
- I'm a member of a gym <a href=" ">managing projects</a> "I was so sore I couldn't lift my arms and then I noticed my pee was the color of cola," Lombardi recalled. "After Googling P90X and my symptoms, I immediately made an appointment with a kidney specialist." -- Bernard?
- The manager <a href=" ">essay scholarships for college undergraduates</a> The city, which has faced a barrage of complaints from residents for bungled bills, said the notice demanding payment of 6,468.48 rand (500 euros) was supposed to have been delivered to a different house. -- Gabrielle
- I don't know what I want to do after university <a href=" ">college essay b</a> "I still have friends who I feel sorry for because photographers are in the bushes, wondering where they'll go, who's having a baby, (expletive) like that," he says. "I'm happy now, just having TMZ take my picture at an airport, going to work or coming home from it. Because that's my life." -- Heath?
- I can't hear you very well <a href=" ">definition essay on success</a> "A Home Office post-mortem, carried out earlier this week, determined the cause of Mr May's death as heart failure and we now await the results of further toxicology tests which will help inform our inquiry. -- Jose?
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- Can I call you back? <a href=" ">buy an argumentative essay</a> “But the bottom line is that hundreds of millions of pounds are being contributed annually to council coffers through parking charges and the drivers who are paying them have a reasonable expectation to see the cash spent on improving the roads.” -- Rodrigo?
- I'm training to be an engineer <a href=" ">spanish essays for beginners</a> You have to wonder about the casting of Deen, a popular and prolific porn actor who makes his first mainstream screen appearance here. There is some obvious publicity value in the move, but his performance is entirely one note in a part that makes little sense from the outset. Christian's sour attitude and bad behavior would take a charismatic and insinuating actor to make him palatable, so Deen's lack of real acting experience represents an insurmountable handicap. Physically, he does let it all hang out in one brief shot as he makes his way to the orgy bedroom, but the question remains: If you're not intending to make use of a porn actor's attributes, why cast him if there are other actors who could bring more to the scenes? -- Gerard?
- I'll put her on <a href=" ">need essays</a> Later, Obama participated in an event to honor Raoul Wallenberg, a Swedish diplomat and “honorary US citizen who worked courageously to save lives while serving as Sweden’s special envoy in Budapest during World War II." -- Jessie?
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- I never went to university <a href=" ">catalogue essay</a> The surge could merely be a result of employees - who are more likely to be running Windows XP in offices than home users - taking holidays in the summer months. With a greater percentage of website visits coming from home users, Windows 8's sudden uplift could merely be a short-term seasonal boost, although we'll have to wait for next month's figures for confirmation. -- Gonzalo?
- Have you got a current driving licence? <a href=" ">practice essays for ged</a> The measure, part of a series of proposed SEC changes toreduce risks in the $2.5 trillion money-market industry, wouldlet funds ban withdrawals and charge fees for them in times ofstress like the 2008 credit crisis. -- Quinn?
- An estate agents <a href=" ">frankenstein research papers</a> The village school in India where 23 children died by poisoning last week had been providing lunch under a government-sponsored scheme without checks or monitoring by local officials to see if the food was stored carefully or cooked properly. -- Marcellus?
- Very interesting tale <a href=" ">help with a research paper</a> The S&P 500 (SPX) advanced 0.3 percent to a record 1,680.19 at 4 p.m. in New York. The Dow Jones Industrial Average added 3.38 points, or less than 0.1 percent, to 15,464.3, also an all-time high. More than 5.4 billion shares traded hands on U.S. exchanges today, or 15 percent below the three-month average. -- Wilson?
- Where do you live? <a href=" ">slavery and manifest destiny</a> The three other victims, including John, were friends of the couple, authorities said. All remained Saturday at Westchester Medical Center where they are being treated for head injuries. They are expected to recover, authorities said. They would not release identities of all the victims. -- Garret?
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- Could you ask her to call me? <a href=" ">math word problem</a> She threw it back at me: “Do you know what the third amendment says?” I’m no constitutional historian, but it just so happens that two weeks before, a friend — trying to make a point about the historical context in which the second amendment, too, had been drafted — told me to look it up. I paraphrased: it’s the one that says the army can’t quarter soldiers in your home without your consent. Well, she said, that’s why we need to defend the Constitution. -- Horacio?
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- This is your employment contract <a href=" ">my aim in life essay in urdu language</a> President Shimon Peres and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu did well by congratulating the American Israeli or Israeli American Nobel prize laureates. The fruits of the ingenuity of great researchers, as that of great artists, and even that of great sportswomen, are the assets of humanity as a whole. Any reduction in the means laid out at their disposal by the public and any insult to their dignity betrays the honor of the state itself. -- Johnathon
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- Could I borrow your phone, please? <a href=" ">100 words essay on my hobby</a> Typing ‘do a barrel roll’ into its search engine will see results spin around the screen, while in 2011 searching ‘white Christmas’ would cause virtual snowflakes to fall. -- Millard?
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- Through friends <a href=" ">research paper on identity</a> "We had to adopt a flexible approach to managing staff contracts to ensure that key people, especially directors, remained with the project throughout periods critical to its success, until such time as the ODA could be certain that their skills and knowledge were no longer required. Our staff delivered this huge project on time and under budget - in fact making savings of over £1 billion for the public purse. -- Brian?
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- I'll put her on <a href=" ">best essay writing service us</a> "The thoughts of what the Fed is going to do seem todominate a lot of the concerns that investors have right now,"said Lynch. "We don't think that (jobs) number was such anoutlier that it will cause a change to what the Fed is going todo." -- Cooper
- I'm doing an internship <a href=" ">suny common application essay</a> The study, conducted by Brigham Young University in Utah, found that when participants texted a lie, it took on average 10 percent longer to compose the message. A group of over 100 students from two US universities were asked to have text-based conversations with a specially written computer program. The program asked each participant 30 questions and the subjects were instructed to lie in roughly 50 percent of their responses. As well as taking longer to compose, the researchers found that those messages that were less than accurate were also more edited and shorter than their truthful counterparts. -- Gregory?
- good material thanks <a href=" ">dangers of speeding essay</a> âTwenty four hours later i stated to get an earache, and I thought I had an infection. But as the hours passed the pain got worse and worse, and then on the Monday morning two days later I woke up and I had brown fluid on my pillow, and in a lot more pain.â -- Stanford?
- What sort of work do you do? <a href=" ">essays on coral reefs</a> âHow many times are we going to make that an excuse?â Rex Ryan said of accepting mistakes just because he has a rookie quarterback. âOne of these days weâre going to have to learn from them and it better be soonâ¦. We better learn in a hurry. It has to get better.â -- Seth?
- Where did you go to university? <a href=" ">narrative essay writing rubric</a> Lacking an obvious culprit, dealers tended to blameuncertainty about when the Federal Reserve will start trimmingits asset buying following last week's shock decision tomaintain the programme at $85 billion a month. -- Efren
- I'll text you later <a href=" ">informative essay prompts</a> For a full meal, consider Frankie & Benny’s, a Fifties-themed American Italian restaurant with a children’s play area and views over the airport, offering affordable breakfasts and pizza, pasta and burgers; £4.95 for two-course children’s daytime menus and unlimited soft drinks. -- Gabriella?
- Special Delivery <a href=" ">affirmative action research paper outline</a> Introducing Mrs. Ryan Reynolds! The newlywed Blake Lively flashed her impressive diamond engagement ring and wedding band during her first post-wedding red carpet appearance at the Chanel Bijoux De Diamant 80th anniversary bash in New York City on Oct. 9, 2012. Created by celebrity jeweler Lorraine Schwartz, the engagement ring features a flawless, light pink oval diamond supported by a band of small diamonds. A spokesperson for the jeweler previously said Reynolds helped design the custom setting in rose gold, which is also incorporated in Lively’s diamond wedding band. -- Brenton?
- Yes, I love it! <a href=" ">teaching essay writing high school</a> “There will be as much as we can allow…. We’re still working that out,” Whedon says. “We don’t just want to be an Easter egg farm…. This show has to work for people who haven’t seen the movies.” -- Ella?
- We'd like to offer you the job <a href=" ">essay on quantum physics</a> When the tide is low you can walk out to two small islands adjacent to the town for spectacular views of the St Malo scape, taking some of Bordier's goodies and a baguette and a bottle of Ordovicien. If you want to stay put head to the bistro next to the shop for a glass of Champagne Billecart-Salmon. -- Romeo?
- Pleased to meet you <a href=" ">persuasive essay idea</a> FRANKFURT, Aug 12 (Reuters) - German regulator BaFin? hascompleted its report of Deutsche Bank's role insetting interbank lending rates and is set to submit a copy tothe country's flagship lender as soon as this week, a sourcefamiliar with the matter said on Monday. -- Raleigh?
- A packet of envelopes <a href=" ">get coursework done</a> The squad also has a new assistant coach in Jim Whitesell, the former associate head coach at St. Louis hired by the late Rick Majerus. He came aboard after Moe Hicks, the former highly-decorated New York City high school coach, departed the director of basketball operations position. Darrick Martin moved from an assistant position to Hicksâ old spot on the staff. -- Charlotte?
- I came here to work <a href=" ">short essay on my favourite story book</a> Gramblingâs administrators received good news earlier in the week when their football team announced its return to the field after a boycott last weekend, but the reverberations of the playersâ decision not to play Jackson State are still being felt. -- Autumn?
- When can you start? <a href=" ">essay writing numbers</a> "Instantly, my father became one of the most hated men alive," he wrote. "In no time, reporters from around the world demanded to know who this man was and what kind of background he came from. Just like that, my father went from captured to convicted to imprisoned to dead." -- Denny?
- International directory enquiries <a href=" ">short essay on my parents for kids</a> There are currently no specific regulations for parasailing in Florida, Florida state senator Maria Sachs told ABC News last week. She says she won’t stop until a bill is passed to change that. Boaters only need to follow the Coast Guard’s rules of having a safe water craft and captain’s license. A bill died in the Florida House two months ago that would have put strict regulation on parasailing, including requiring insurance, ensuring safe weather conditions and regulations on the parasailing equipment. -- Greenwood?
- We're at university together <a href=" ">personal narrative essay about friendship</a> Protestants who sought to meet IRA violence tit-for-tat lauded his strike. A 1990s Belfast wall mural depicted him shooting, one gun in each hand, from behind a row of headstones. "We killed 3 with one Stone," it said. -- Burton?
- I'll call back later <a href=" ">writing dissertation problem statement</a> Poppet Flats, Twin Pines and Silent Valley were under mandatory evacuation orders, and Highway 243 had been closed, Berlandt said. Shelters had been set up at high schools in nearby Hemet and Beaumont, the department's website said. -- Werner?
- I'm from England <a href=" ">essay writing literature</a> An aim of the meeting, to take place in New York, will be to set a date for the so-called “Geneva 2” peace conference to reinvigorate international diplomatic efforts to end the war in Syria. -- Melanie?
- I'd like , please <a href=" ">resume writing services</a> Former Army chief General VK Singh refuted claims made by a report on The Indian Express that he was the brain behind a unit within the Army which had tried toppling the Jammu and Kashmir government using secret funds. In an interview with Rajdeep Sardesai on CNN IBN, he suggested that a ‘coup story’ like the one on IE is politically motivated and the facts furnished by the paper are highly questionable. -- Manuel?
- A few months <a href=" ">chromatography lab report</a> Mark Todd, co-founder of energy switching service energyhelpline, tell Breakfast's Dominic Laurie that a third of us have never switched our energy supplier, but it only takes five to 10 minutes, he says, and we could save big bucks. -- Landon?
- I can't hear you very well <a href=" ">parts of a research paper</a> "Those are probably the thorns in my side," said the 43-year-old American, who has posted just four top-10s in 17 starts on the U.S. circuit this season with his best finish a tie for third at the Texas Open in April. -- Tomas?
- I'd like to cancel this standing order <a href=" ">please do my assignment for me</a> Firefighter Scott Abraham, of the San Bernardino County Fire Department, sprays water as his crew tries to keep the fire from crossing a San Diego County road Friday, May 25, 2012, near Julian, Calif. The blaze broke out Thursday afternoon east of Julian near Banner Grade. About 100 homes were temporarily evacuated in the Shelter Valley area along Highway 78 during the early stages of the fire but that order was lifted late Thursday. (AP Photo/Gregory Bull) -- Mike
- Do you play any instruments? <a href=" ">essay thesis statements</a> Dubbed the interface region by the observatory's science team, this first 2,000 to 3,000 miles of the sun's atmosphere is thought to play a key role in a range of processes, including those that power solar flares and even more potent coronal-mass ejections. These events can endanger satellites, disrupt radio communication and GPS navigation, as well as disrupt the power grid on Earth. -- Grant?
- I can't stand football <a href=" ">electrician research paper</a> Earlier this week, a aircraft carrier slipped into the sea, though it is due to be fully operational only by 2017. The navy also announced that the reactor on its first indigenous nuclear submarine was now operational as part of the plan to build a powerful navy to counter China's growing presence in the Indian Ocean. -- Melissa?
- I live here <a href=" ">essays on women's rights</a> In the only vaguely clean room - Huttonâs bedroom - Hamzahâs body was found beneath layers of discarded clothing in a blue travel cot. A teddy bear had been placed beside him by his mother, who claimed she had spent hours holding his body on the night of his death but was also found to have ordered take away pizza and curry that same evening. -- Barbera?
- What do you want to do when you've finished? <a href=" ">vacation experience essay</a> The newspaper said it was not clear what prompted the changein strategy and whether this signalled Verizon was lessenamoured about entering the Canadian market or whether itwanted to drive down the prices for the firms Wind Mobile andMobilicty. -- Alfredo?
- I've just started at <a href=" ">essay writing in psychology</a> "That is that first of all our No. 1 priority in Canada is the creation of jobs, and clearly this is a project that will create jobs on both sides of the border," Harper said. "And it is in our judgment an important project, not just for our economy and for job creation but for the long-term energy security of North America." -- Erich?
- Do you play any instruments? <a href=" ">a rumor of war essay</a> Sydney native Wilson, 27, gained recognition as a scene-stealer in 2011 comedy "Bridesmaids" and as Fat Amy in 2012's a cappella comedy "Pitch Perfect." She is currently writing and starring in the CBS television comedy "Super Fun Night." -- Darrel?
- Do you know each other? <a href=" ">worksheets for essay writing</a> Summersâ potential nomination had drawn the ire of a handful of influential Democratic Senators who could have pulled the plug on his approval during Senate hearings. Long a controversial figure, Summers was criticized by opponents of his nomination for overseeing a major deregulation of the banking industry as an advisor to and Treasury Secretary under President Bill Clinton. -- Tracy?
- Where do you study? <a href=" ">essay on winter season in pakistan</a> The company is betting on fuel cell cars, which convert hydrogen to electricity, emit only water vapour and have a similar range to conventional petrol-driven cars, as the next-generation alternative fuel vehicle. -- Brenton?
- Could you tell me my balance, please? <a href=" ">essay of junk food</a> According to a press release issued by the company, the “Q30 Concept embodies Infiniti’s vision to deliver head-turning design, innovative materials with precise fit and finish and passionate craftsmanship, while provoking a radical shift in the premium compact segment”. -- Seymour?
- How much does the job pay? <a href=" ">jim cullen essaying the past</a> The Bruins head to Pittsburgh on Oct. 30, where Jarome Iginla will meet up with the Penguins. Iginla will also have a big day Dec. 10, in his return to Calgary and the city in which he played from 1996 to the trading deadline last season. -- Marcos?
- I'm not sure <a href=" ">buy powerpoint presentation</a> A Fund official said it would have been inappropriate to file a brief on behalf of Argentina in a U.S. court without the support of the U.S. government, as it could pitch the IMF into a dispute between two of its members and violate its neutrality as an international organization. -- Efren
- Have you got any experience? <a href=" ">architectural essay</a> Police fired tear gas and sound grenades at thousands of demonstrators seeking to gather late Tuesday in several Turkish cities, including Istanbul, Ankara and Hatay, a town in southern Turkey where the young protester died in the early morning hours. -- Quintin?
- Where do you study? <a href=" ">3 parts writing essay</a> This is a reported blog dedicated to highlighting these basic human rights, how they are defined, why they are needed and who are the people struggling to uphold them. The blog is also a way for us to provide GlobalPost?’s in-depth reporting and foundation-supported Special Reports — on rights relating to labor, gender, sexuality, the environment, the Internet, children, speech and assembly, and more — with steady updates, insights and analysis worth sharing. This is a blog called RIGHTS, but the story telling here about those rights are not intended as advocacy and will always stay true to GlobalPost?’s reporting standards of fairness, accuracy and independence. -- Abraham?
- A book of First Class stamps <a href=" ">undergraduate psychology thesis</a> Smith has had some good moments in the first two games, but heâs also suffered more than his fair share of growing pains. Only one quarterback has a lower passer rating than Smithâs 55.2. Only three signal callers have a lower completion rate than Smithâs 53.4%. -- Wallace?
- Can you put it on the scales, please? <a href=" ">essay about social studies</a> Moore will join a cast led by Oscar-winner Jennifer Lawrence, who plays heroine Katniss Everdeen, a young girl who becomes a symbol of hope for a repressed society after winning a life-or-death televised survival competition. -- Rafael
- I came here to study <a href=" ">buy old dissertations</a> The offer attracted a total of 135 investors mostly in Asia,with the international tranche 4.5 times oversubscribed, Bajasaid. The company is selling up to 484.8 million primary shares,including over-allotment shares. -- Thebest?
- I came here to work <a href=" ">essay about sports day at school</a> The fear is that the United States might delay payments onits debt, as President Barack Obama and Republican lawmakershave made little progress toward raising the $16.7 trillion debtlimit, which would be exhausted on Oct. 17. -- Stephan
- What sort of music do you like? <a href=" ">humorous college essay</a> The Conservative government eliminated foreign ownershiplimits on telecoms companies with 10 percent or less of themarket but has maintained limits on the large players, includingBCE Inc, Rogers Communications Inc and TelusCorp?. -- Carey?
- I've got a very weak signal <a href=" ">where can i purchase a research paper</a> "Broadly speaking, we are talking about a challenged industry for a host of reasons," said Lucas, who ticked off a litany of factors affecting the newspaper industry, including the drastic decline in lucrative classified advertising and a drop in circulation. -- Irvin?
- History <a href=" ">literary analysis essay directions</a> All styles offered were shown at the Spring 2014 Elie Tahari presentation during Fashion Week. This is the first time that next seasonâs collection will be offered immediately for celebratory pre-sale. -- Sammy?
- Recorded Delivery <a href=" ">essay-internet</a> The tensions over the islands, along with China's heavy spending on defense and military modernization, have heightened calls in Japan for beefed-up naval and air forces. China recently began operating an aircraft carrier that it refurbished after purchasing from Russia, and is reportedly moving forward with the construction of another that is domestically built. -- Hyman?
- I'm a trainee <a href=" ">best writing paper in the world</a> BART board president Tom Radulovich urged representatives of the Amalgamated Transit Union Local 1555 and the Service Employees International Union Local 1021 to let its more than 2,300 members vote on the agency's final offer presented Sunday. -- Tyron?
- What sort of work do you do? <a href=" ">happy ending story essay spm</a> Honey built on the innovations of Ian Taylor, Paul Sharp, Alan Trimble and Tim Heidmann, who together pioneered the use of computer graphics in the 1992 America's Cup, which let viewers track boat positions and tactics. -- Sheldon?
- Which team do you support? <a href=" ">essay dreams</a> Let’s also take a quick moment to remember why it was that the Bush tax cuts were set to expire at the end of 2012. They had originally been scheduled to expire on January 1, 2011, but Obama brokered a deal with the Republicans in December 2010 to extend them for two more years, angering a great many Democrats and liberals. -- Dennis?
- I'd like to open a business account <a href=" ">do my homework for me reddit</a> The dollar .DXY was steady as European trading gathered pace having climbed off a three-week low overnight. Investors were wary of being long the dollar after Bernanke last week caused a shakeout of positions with comments that were considered unexpectedly dovish. -- Elijah?
- I'm only getting an answering machine <a href=" ">the alchemist essays</a> The lawsuit, led by San Jose's police union, shows how difficult it is for local governments to break benefit promises to current and past employees even when other public services are being cut to pay for them. -- Marcus?
- Sorry, I ran out of credit <a href=" ">report and essay</a> The great, hoped-for benefit is that by agreeing one sharedfinancial regulatory standard, many costs and hurdles hinderingtransatlantic finance will be removed, making the sector evenmore dynamic and speeding the wheels of trade and industry. -- Williams?
- Looking for a job <a href=" ">essay on my aim in life to become a businessman</a> “The difficulties of getting on to the property market and economic difficulties in general make people put the decision off because a lot of people would like to feel financially secure first.” -- Everette?
- A book of First Class stamps <a href=" ">best essay titles</a> As a result of this, the Sportsvan offers 498-litres of luggage space (compared to the Golf's 380-litres). The rear seats also slide backwards and forwards by up to 180mm, increasing luggage capacity to 585-litres when they're fully forward. The seats can also be folded flat, giving 1,512-litres of space. -- Roosevelt?
- How many would you like? <a href=" ">get essay done online</a> On board a whaling boat in Norway, Jo Fidgen meets fisherman proud of what they regard as a traditional industry going back to Viking times. (This piece contains descriptions and pictures which some readers may find upsetting.) -- Jacob
- How long have you lived here? <a href=" ">write dissertation proposal</a> Washington, which had emphasised Mursi's legitimacy anddiscouraged demonstrations against him in the weeks before hewas removed, has since avoided referring to his removal as acoup but called for his release and for an end to detentions.U.S. law requires a halt to aid for countries after coups. -- Thurman?
- I like it a lot <a href=" ">what should be in the abstract of a research paper</a> Even more telling, the average number of miles drivers individually rack up peaked in July 2004 at just over 900 per month, said a study by Transportation Department economists Don Pickrell and David Pace. By July of last year, that had fallen to 820 miles per month, down about 9 percent. Per capita automobile use is now back at the same levels as in the late 1990s. -- Lorenzo?
- I'm in a band <a href=" ">capitalism essays</a> AT&T, Starbucks' previous partner in providing complimentary wireless, also proposed a faster Wi-Fi proposal to Starbucks. Fletcher Cook, a spokesperson for AT&T, told ABC News, "[We] also offered up to 10 times faster network and Wi-Fi speeds, so the decision must have been based on criteria other than speed." -- Refugio?
- I support Manchester United <a href=" ">best rated resume writing services</a> "It is encouraging to see the success of these relativelysmall companies in issuing bonds at the bottom of the ratingsspectrum," says Chetan Modi, a managing director in Moody'sEuropean leveraged finance team. -- Colin?
- I'm at Liverpool University <a href=" ">someone to take my online class</a> I’ve never been to Cuba before. Frankly speaking, today is my first visit. It’s a very short one of only 24 hours, of which now I have only half left to walk around Old Havana and to swim in the ocean while the global hysteria over the uncatchable Edward Snowden carries on. -- Israel?
- What sort of music do you listen to? <a href=" ">pay to have homework done</a> Shari Springer Berman: We felt that Imogene was really relatable because she is someone who isn't quite comfortable in her own skin yet, and I think everyone goes through periods of their lives when they're not feeling quite comfortable in their own skin. She's someone who grew up in a certain place, had a certain family and couldn't make peace with that – couldn't make peace with her upbringing and her family. And eventually through this falling apart, she actually finds a way to accept her family and embrace herself. -- Cortez
- Not in at the moment <a href=" ">personal philosophy of nursing college essay</a> The Dow Jones industrial average was down 49.95points, or 0.32 percent, at 15,508.88. The Standard & Poor's 500Index was down 7.10 points, or 0.42 percent, at 1,684.55.The Nasdaq Composite Index was down 13.37 points, or0.37 percent, at 3,599.80. -- Crazyivan
- Directory enquiries <a href=" ">working at home essay</a> The senior Jackson, who joined other family members in the courtroom Wednesday, said that his son's bipolar disorder had taken an enormous toll. "A year ago, I thought we might have lost him," Jackson told reporters after the sentencing. "He is still recovering." -- Trenton?
- I've come to collect a parcel <a href=" ">essay on new york</a> "Today's interruption in trading, while resolved before the end of the day, was nonetheless serious and should reinforce our collective commitment to addressing technological vulnerabilities of exchanges and other market participants," SEC chairwoman Mary Jo White said. -- Riley?
- The manager <a href=" ">essay opening statement</a> Veronika Scott, a 24-year-old graduate of Detroit's Collegefor Creative Studies who founded Empowerment Plan, said most ofthe nine formerly homeless women she employs have found placesto live since getting a job. Demand for the coats is strongenough that Scott is planning a "buy one, give one" program thisfall: for $200, customers will get a coat and have one donatedto a homeless person. -- Sebastian?
- I quite like cooking <a href=" ">copyright laws for research papers</a> But not to worry. The zoo’s staff members, who call Belle’s favorite pastime “pachyderm pool time,” have ordered a bigger pool to make room for all the splishing and splashing her little heart can handle. -- Titus
- I'd like to open a personal account <a href=" ">interest and hobbies essay</a> The Top 25 teams in The Associated Press college football poll, with first-place votes in parentheses, records through Oct. 12, total points based on 25 points for a first-place vote through one point for a 25th-place vote, and previous ranking: -- Silas?
- Have you got any ? <a href=" ">how do you write a five paragraph essay</a> Freeman was taking ground balls during batting practice before Atlanta's home game against Cincinnati Thursday night when general manager Frank Wren called him over and told him about his first All-Star selection. -- Agustin?
- What do you want to do when you've finished? <a href=" ">research paper quote format</a> âItâs a difficult, difficult situation,â he said. âThere are a lot of people trying to support him within the organization, his teammates as well, but I think for the most part heâs handled it well. Itâs tough, really tough.â -- Bryon?
- We need someone with qualifications <a href=" ">naturopathy essay writing companies</a> "I'm not against dealing with the IMF within this framework,because it brings us credibility and new funds. There areadvantages to dealing with the fund to achieve the aims you areafter. But that doesn't mean that it is my starting point." -- Dalton?
- Where did you go to university? <a href=" ">geography essay</a> "It's back to the old accommodative Fed, so the markets are happy again," said Randy Frederick, Managing Director of Active Trading and Derivatives at the Schwab Center for Financial Research. -- Mackenzie?
- Sorry, I'm busy at the moment <a href=" ">personal statement for education</a> Apple has suffered negative publicity in recent months over allegations of child labour in their supply chain, as well as poor working conditions for workers inside their Chinese factories.The brand is also to face trial for damages over fixing the prices of e-books in a reported attempt ro overthrow Amazon's dominance of the market. -- Stewart?
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- Hold the line, please <a href=" ">bullying essays</a> Juicy, known for its velour track suits and urban feel, sawsales plummet in recent years as the brand fell out of favor.Attempts to turn around what was still Fifth & Pacific's topselling brand last year failed. -- Tyrell?
- Have you read any good books lately? <a href=" ">dissertation litteraire methodologie</a> To allay any concerns that customers have on securityissues, ZTE said it has relevant third party certifications, iswilling to provide source codes if necessary and has notencountered any security breaches so far. -- Emmitt?
- It's serious <a href=" ">newton essay</a> "Obviously his record at a young age is already speaking for itself," said an admiring Scott, the world number two. "Coming out of Japan, he's won four times (overall) there. He's performed in the big events this year when he's left Japan. -- Carey?
- A Second Class stamp <a href=" ">do my chemistry assignment</a> The central bank said on Tuesday the economy shrank just 0.1percent quarter on quarter between April and June, offering somesupport to a government that has talked up prospects of an exitfrom recession as soon as the current quarter. -- Fabian
- Free medical insurance <a href=" ">reflective practice essay</a> We have promised my father we would never put him in a home. Maybe this was rash? Maybe it is a promise that we won’t be able to keep? We are now in the process of moving from agency care each day to employing a live-in carer, someone who is physically strong enough to lift my father. -- Randolph?
- Very interesting tale <a href=" ">best content writing service</a> Participants were also given a test to determine how they felt subconsciously about their partners' performance, which the researchers called implicit self-esteem. In this test, a computer tracked how quickly people associate good and bad words with themselves. -- Jason?
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- I'm originally from Dublin but now live in Edinburgh <a href=" ">introduction to teenage pregnancy essay</a> A judge in Cook County, Illinois, which includes Chicago,issued the civil-court equivalent of an arrest warrant for Arboron Tuesday, said Cara Smith, chief of policy for the Cook CountySheriff?'s Office. She said she did not know whether the warranthad been filed with the sheriff's office, which enables lawenforcement officers to take Arbor into custody. -- Cristobal?
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- What company are you calling from? <a href=" ">essay writing class 7</a> Rio Tinto also said a faster-than-expected recovery was underway at its Bingham Canyon copper mine in the United States after a landslide, with projected full-year mined and refined copper yields improving by 25,000 tonnes over previous estimates. -- Shannon?
- Very Good Site <a href=" ">define compare and contrast essay</a> In some ways, Corbat's approach is not so different from Pandit's, and neither is the regulatory environment or the economy he has to navigate. Like Corbat, Pandit too tried to slim down Citigroup Inc., wanting to make it a smaller and simpler bank less likely to draw extra scrutiny from regulators. But analysts said Monday that Corbat has been more strategic and systematic in deciding where to cut. -- Quaker?
- Could you ask her to call me? <a href=" ">collage essays</a> As Sibyl, whoâs seeking some peace and a sense of self, Hallie Foote once again reminds that sheâs in a league of her own when it comes to playing her fatherâs characters. Heâs given her a gift in this long-aborning play. She returns the favor with a performance thatâs funny, sad and, most important and impressive, completely honest. -- Kendall?
- Thanks for calling <a href=" ">essay on my favourite game is badminton</a> In a recent poll of Lebanese nationals conducted by the Norwegian research foundation Fafo, more than half of respondents said they believed Syrian refugees were a threat to national security and stability. -- Trevor?
- What's your number? <a href=" ">introduction for romeo and juliet essay</a> JAMIE DIMON IS A CRIMINAL! He has made his money on the backs of homeowners all across America. His bank, his leadership has committed fraud on scale that make Bernie Maddoff case seem insignificant. He is touted as some genius. Seemingly profit trumps human life and value. “Give a man a gun he’ll rob a bank, give a man bank and he will rob the world.” I guess congratulations are in order then… -- Luigi?
- I have my own business <a href=" ">chemistry homework help sites</a> Western rejection of the regional African verdict on the election could stir tensions with the continent. Acceptance of Mugabe's victory will be criticized in countries that say he is a despot guilty of rights abuses and ruining the economy. -- Archie?
- Sorry, I'm busy at the moment <a href=" ">war on drugs research paper</a> Many analysts expect the U.S. central bank to delayunwinding the $85 billion-a-month programme given the governmentshutdown and the possibility of another bitter U.S. budget fightbetween Democrats and Republicans early next year. -- Julio?
- A law firm <a href=" ">write my essay student</a> "The men presenting for vasectomy consultation since the fall of 2008 have fewer children than the period prior to it," Shridharani and colleagues conclude. "We believe this information suggests a direct relation to the economic status of the community." -- Newton
- I came here to work <a href=" ">annotated bibliography in mla</a> Modern day cars are packed technology to make our drive less demanding and less stressful. Now German car maker, Mercedes, is preparing to launch its self-drive car concept which could take motoring to a whole new world of comfort. -- Bradford
- I've only just arrived <a href=" ">short essay on holi</a> “Is it a farewell? It could be.” His formidable face - a perfect fit for villains, whether it be General Orlov in the Bond film Octopussy or his own globe-trotting stage survey of Shakespeare’s baddies - frowns for a moment. Those blue eyes burn, a hand runs over that balding pate, tanned and glowing. “I don’t feel that, though. Sometimes I feel I have such energy I could go on forever.” -- Elvis?
- Please call back later <a href=" ">peer pressure essay</a> It looks like weâre back to the diplomatic dance of âextend and pretendâ. After months of complacent assumptions (helped by the European Central Bankâs backstopping of the currency bloc) that Athens was on the right track, it is now clear that everything is far from well. -- Hilton
- Withdraw cash <a href=" ">macbeth+essays</a> Andrew Pierce, U.S. president of marketing consultancyProphet, said Detroit's new manufacturers are tapping intoDetroit's reputation much as U.S. automaker Chrysler has withits "Imported from Detroit" commercials. -- Steven?
- very best job <a href=" ">thesis online uk</a> Posters on the side of the vehicles read: "In the UK illegally? Go home or face arrest", accompanied by the statistic "106 arrests last week in your area." This figure was explained in more detail in a smaller font underneath, which many argued was difficult to read when in motion. -- Faustino?
- Hello good day <a href=" ">get writing paragraphs and essays by mark connelly</a> The contract does not include any provision for a minimum-service agreement. That is not a labor-bargaining issue for Amalgamated Transit nor First Transit. That is an operations contract element controlled by Valley Metro and the procurement board that created the bid that went out for contract early this year. All parties may continue to be subject to that provision for at least three more years during the remainder of the operations contract, which now would sync up with the new labor contract. -- Garry?
- Do you like it here? <a href=" ">essay writing on my most memorable day</a> The memoir arrived less than a year after another missed connection. During the 2012 season, SNY staged an elaborate production honoring the Metsâ all-time team, and named Piazza the starting catcher. Piazza did not attend, and declined chances to conduct interviews and help promote the special. -- Lynwood?
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- There's a three month trial period <a href=" ">write essay my pet cat</a> In a speech to students at Harvard last week, he talked about Europe's pursuit of "a more perfect union," and emphasized how the political will of Europe's leaders had helped hold the euro zone together, against the expectations of some U.S. hedge funds, which bet the region would shatter and lost money. -- Norman?
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- We'd like to invite you for an interview <a href=" ">george washington biography essay</a> Skylerâs not the only complex woman on TV right now â Game of Thrones is notable for featuring multiple female characters who get to be people, but theyâre a pretty white group (The Wire is often brought up as the exception to every TV norm, but even that show brings up issues when it comes to representing women of color). Additionally, a number of them still get generally read in one-dimensional ways â I was struck by how much of the showâs fandom didnât seem to notice Daenyâs story was a riff on âgoing nativeâ and âwhite saviorâ narratives until this was clearly, obviously, visually represented at the end of the latest season. Sure, Daeny is âstrong.â Sheâs also singularly obsessed with getting back to a cold, conflict ridden region full of white people, and uses the fact that other people have enslaved brown populations to her own ends. -- Wallace?
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