Module Graph

A module defining basic operations for a graph.

In order to make your own graph class, implement the following "Required methods" and include this module.

Module included:

Required methods:

self[ v, w ]

The weight of the edge between vertex v and vertex w.

The "weight" is a value used as the length or capacity of the edge, by algorithms.

If v and w are not adjacent, returns parameter(:default) (which defaults to nil).

each_vertex{ |v| ... }
Repeats for each vertex of the graph.

If the graph is directed, returns true. If the graph is undirected, returns false.

An undirected graph is a graph which satisfies self[v, w]==self[w, v] for any vertices v, w.


adjacent?(v, w)

Returns true if vertex v and vertex w is adjacent (i.e. edge [v, w] exists).

This is judged by self[v, w]!=parameter(:default).

adjacent?(v, w) and adjacent?(w, v) is not always equal, in case of directed graph.

each_successing_vertex(v){ |w| ... }
Repeats for each target vertex of all edges whose source vertex is v.
each_edge(uniq= false){ |v, w| ... }

Repeats for each edge of the graph.

Repeats individually for v, w and w, v, even if it's undirected graph. Set uniq to true in order to prevent this.

uniq is ignored for directed graph.

Returns the out degree of vertex v (the number of edges whose source vertex is v).
Returns all vertices as Array.
edges(uniq= false)

Returns all edges as Array.

uniq works the same as that of each_edge.


Parameters of the graph. Used as the default value of the parameter for GraphAlgorithm methods.

parameter(:default) is the return value of self[v, w] if v and w is not adjacent.

This always returns nil by default. Reimplement this if needed.