require "graph" #Create a undirected graph with four vertices 0, 1, 2, 3. g=[0, 1, 2, 3]) #Create edges [0, 1], [0, 2], [1, 3], [2, 3] and set their weights. g[0, 1]= 1.0 g[0, 2]= 2.0 g[1, 3]= 3.0 g[2, 3]= 4.0 #Get the shortest route from vertex 0 to 3, considering edge weight as edge length. printf("[dijkstra_shortest_paths]\n") dist= g.dijkstra_shortest_paths({ :root => 0, #From vertex 0. :target => 3, #To vertex 3. :predecessor => (preds= {}), #Record the route info to Hash `preds'. }) route= g.route(3, preds) #Extract the route to vertex 3, using `preds'. printf("The shortest route from 0 to 3 is %p, distance is %p.\n\n", route, dist) #Get the maximum flow from vertex 0 to 3, considering edge weight as edge capacity. printf("[maximum_flow]\n") total= g.maximum_flow({ :source => 0, #From vertex 0. :sink => 3, #To vertex 3. :flow => (flow= {}), #Record the flow of each edge to Hash `flow'. }) printf("The maximum flow is %p.\nThe flow of each edge is %p.\n\n", total, flow) #Perform a depth-first traversal of all vertices. printf("[depth_first_search] ") g.depth_first_search({ :root => 0, #Start from vertex 0. :on_tree_edge => proc{ |v, w| printf("%d->%d ", v, w) }, #This Proc is called whenever a new vertex is discovered. }) printf("\n\n") #Perform a breadth-first traversal of all vertices. printf("[breadth_first_search] ") g.breadth_first_search({ :root => 0, #Start from vertex 0. :on_tree_edge => proc{ |v, w| printf("%d->%d ", v, w) }, #This Proc is called whenever a new vertex is discovered. }) printf("\n\n") #Get the shortest paths from all vertices to all vertices at once. printf("[warshall_floyd_shortest_paths]\n") dist= g.warshall_floyd_shortest_paths({ :predecessor => (preds= {}), #Record the route info to Hash `preds'. :distance => (dists= {}), #Record the shortest path length between each vertex to Hash `dists'. }) g.each_vertex do |v| g.each_vertex do |w| next if v==w route= g.route([v, w], preds) #Extract the route from vertex `v' to `w', using `preds'. printf("The shortest route from %d to %d is %p, distance is %p.\n", v, w, route, dists[[v, w]]) end end