Class DirectedHashGraph

An ordinary directed graph, using Hash.

Module included:

Class methods:[vertices[, edges, [params]]])

Creates a directed graph, which has vertices and edges.

Specify vertex Array for vertices. (e.g. [0, 1, 2, 3]) Any object comparable using Object#eql? can be a vertex.

Specify edge Array for edges. (e.g. [[0, 1, 1.0], [2, 3, 2.0]]) Each edge consists of Array [source, target, weight]. The weight is optional.

The vertices and edges can be added later using add_vertex, add_edge.

params is a Hash specifying the return value of Graph#parameter. Rarely used.


Common methods for graph classes are described at Graph, GraphAlgorithm. See them.

self[ v, w ] = weight

Sets the weight of edge [v, w] to weight.

Adds edge [v, w] if not exists.

add_edge(v, w[, weight])
The same as self[v, w]= weight. weight is set to 1 if omitted.
delete_edge(v, w)
Deletes edge [v, w].
Adds vertex v.

Deletes vertex v.

Also deletes the edges whose source/target vertex is v.