English / [[Japanese:]]
Welcome to ''namespace gimite''.
** Software / Service [#n9ffc56a]
- ''[[Tweet Search Stream:]]''
-- Real time Twitter search
- ''[[Mega Reference:]]''
-- All-in-one programming reference (HTML, JavaScript, Ruby, etc.) with keyword search
- ''[[Devas]]''
-- Windows tool to search/replace texts
- ''Greasemonkey''
-- [[GoogleAutoPager]]
-- [[SearchTermHighlighter]]
- ''JavaScript libraries''
-- [[web-socket-js:]]: HTML5 Web Socket implementation powered by Flash
- ''Ruby libraries''
-- [[web-socket-ruby:]]: HTML5 Web Socket server/client implementation in Ruby
-- [[HotRuby Web Toolkit:]]: Ruby VM on JavaScript (based on HotRuby) + RPC
-- [[Google Spreadsheet Ruby:]]: to read/write Google Spreadsheet
-- [[tx-ruby]]: Ruby binding of Tx, library for TRIE
-- [[Ruby/Graph:]]: Graph theory library for Ruby
-- [[with_progress:]]: Showing progress bar for each-ish methods
- ''C++ libraries''
-- [[gimite/socket:]]: TCP and UDP socket library including socket_stream
- ''[[AndroidIRC]]''
-- Minimal IRC client for Android
- ''[[UNIX small tools]]''
- ''[[Romanization → Hangul Converter:]]''
-- Input Hangul with romanization
** Articles [#k40d7252]
- [[Run native executable in Android App]]
- [[Build Ruby/CDB in 64bit Linux]]
- [[lxml Cheat sheet]]
** Contact [#a0d4e3e4]
- [[Contact]]
- [[Twitter:]]
- [[GitHub:]]
English / [[Japanese:]]
Welcome to ''namespace gimite''.
** Software / Service [#n9ffc56a]
- ''[[Tweet Search Stream:]]''
-- Real time Twitter search
- ''[[Mega Reference:]]''
-- All-in-one programming reference (HTML, JavaScript, Ruby, etc.) with keyword search
- ''[[Devas]]''
-- Windows tool to search/replace texts
- ''Greasemonkey''
-- [[GoogleAutoPager]]
-- [[SearchTermHighlighter]]
- ''JavaScript libraries''
-- [[web-socket-js:]]: HTML5 Web Socket implementation powered by Flash
- ''Ruby libraries''
-- [[web-socket-ruby:]]: HTML5 Web Socket server/client implementation in Ruby
-- [[HotRuby Web Toolkit:]]: Ruby VM on JavaScript (based on HotRuby) + RPC
-- [[Google Spreadsheet Ruby:]]: to read/write Google Spreadsheet
-- [[tx-ruby]]: Ruby binding of Tx, library for TRIE
-- [[Ruby/Graph:]]: Graph theory library for Ruby
-- [[with_progress:]]: Showing progress bar for each-ish methods
- ''C++ libraries''
-- [[gimite/socket:]]: TCP and UDP socket library including socket_stream
- ''[[AndroidIRC]]''
-- Minimal IRC client for Android
- ''[[UNIX small tools]]''
- ''[[Romanization → Hangul Converter:]]''
-- Input Hangul with romanization
** Articles [#k40d7252]
- [[Run native executable in Android App]]
- [[Build Ruby/CDB in 64bit Linux]]
- [[lxml Cheat sheet]]
** Contact [#a0d4e3e4]
- [[Contact]]
- [[Twitter:]]
- [[GitHub:]]