
This is a Ruby 1.8/1.9 binding of Tx, a library for a compact trie data structure.

For details of Tx, see: [[Tx: Succinct Trie Data structure:http://www-tsujii.is.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/~hillbig/tx.htm]]


** How to install [#y0d82ffb]

 $ sudo gem install tx


 $ wget http://gimite.net/archive/tx-ruby-0.0.5.tar.gz
 $ tar xvzf tx-ruby-*.tar.gz
 $ cd tx-ruby
 $ sudo ruby setup.rb

- If your Ruby is 1.8.x mswin32, you don't need compilers (binary is bundled).
- Tx library is bundled, so you don't need to install it separately.

** Document [#b2f21339]

- [[Document in RDoc format:http://gimite.net/gimite/rubymess/tx-ruby/]]
- Usage example of simple index:

  require "rubygems"
  require "tx"
  # Builds an index and saves it to a file.
  builder = Tx::Builder.new
  builder.add_all(["foo", "ho", "hog", "hoga", "hoge", "hogeshi"])
  # Loads an index.
  index = Tx::Index.open("test.index")
  # Simple lookup.
  index.include?("hoge")           #=> true
  index.include?("bar")            #=> false
  # Searches prefixes of the word.
  index.longest_prefix("hogeeee") #=> 4 (which means "hoge" is in the index)
  index.search_prefixes("hoge")   #=> ["ho", "hog", "hoge"]
  # Searches words which begin with the string.
  index.search_expansions("hog")  #=> ["hog", "hoga", "hoge", "hogeshi"]
  # Finds all occurences of words in the index.
  index.scan("hogefugafoo")       #=> [["hoge", 0], ["foo", 8]]
  # Replaces words in the index.
  index.gsub("hogefugafoo"){ |s, i| s.upcase }
                                  #=> "HOGEfugaFOO"

- Usage example of Hash-like index:

  require "tx"
  # Builds an index and saves it to a file.
  builder = Tx::MapBuilder.new
  builder.add("ho", "foo")
  builder.add("hoge", "bar")
  # Loads an index.
  map = Tx::Map.open("test")
  # Simple lookup.
  map.has_key?("hoge")                     #=> true
  map["hoge"]                             #=> "bar"
  map["fuga"]                             #=> nil
  # Searches prefixes/expansion of the word in keys.
  map.key_index.longest_prefix("hogeeee") #=> 4 (which means the index has a key "hoge")
  map.key_index.search_prefixes("hoge")   #=> ["ho", "hoge"]
  map.key_index.search_expansions("ho")   #=> ["ho", "hoge"]
  # Finds all occurences of keys in the index.
  index.scan("hogehoga")                  #=> [["hoge", 0, "bar"], ["ho", 4, "foo"]]

** License [#ldb17bfc]

New BSD License.

** History [#x9b5a3e1]

- 0.0.5
-- Based on Tx 0.13.
-- Fixed compilation error in recent Ubuntu (thanks to ROBA).
-- Supported Ruby 1.9.x.
-- Added Set/Hash-like methods to Tx::Index and Tx::Map.
- 0.0.4
-- Based on Tx 0.09.
-- Added Hash-like interface: Tx::Map and Tx::MapBuilder.
- 0.0.3
-- Added Tx::Index#scan and Tx::Index#gsub.
-- Fixed a bug that Ruby crashes when opening non-existing index file.
- 0.0.2
-- ''(Incompatible with 0.0.1)'' Result of Tx::Index#search_expansions now includes str itself if it's in the index.
-- Fixed performance problem.
- 0.0.1
-- First version. Based on Tx 0.0.4.

** How to hack [#kb362ca2]

Source code is on [[Github:http://github.com/gimite/tx-ruby]].

Some hints:
- This library is implemented with SWIG (So I guess it's easy to generate binding for other script languages). You need to install SWIG to regenerate ext/tx_swig_wrap.cxx if you edit ext/tx_swig.{h,i}.
- To generate ext/tx_swig_wrap.cxx which works on Ruby 1.9, you need to apply ext/swig.patch to SWIG.
- To build lib/i386-msvcrt/tx_core.so, follow [[instruction here:http://d.hatena.ne.jp/Gimite/searchdiary?word=cygwin]] (Japanese).

** Comments [#j6538610]
- 1 -- [[1]] &new{2014-04-03 (Thu) 13:08:42};
- 1 -- [[1]] &new{2014-04-03 (Thu) 13:08:46};
- 1 -- [[-1']] &new{2014-04-03 (Thu) 13:08:47};
-- 1' -- [[1]] &new{2014-04-03 (Thu) 13:08:49};
- 1 -- [[1]] &new{2014-04-03 (Thu) 13:08:51};
- 1 -- [[1]] &new{2014-04-29 (Tue) 00:02:38};
- 1 -- [[1]] &new{2014-04-29 (Tue) 00:02:40};
- 1 -- [[-1']] &new{2014-04-29 (Tue) 00:02:41};
-- 1' -- [[1]] &new{2014-04-29 (Tue) 00:02:42};
- 1 -- [[1]] &new{2014-04-29 (Tue) 00:02:43};
- 1 -- [[1]] &new{2014-06-30 (Mon) 13:38:18};
- 1 -- [[1]] &new{2014-06-30 (Mon) 13:38:45};
- 1 -- [[-1']] &new{2014-06-30 (Mon) 13:38:50};
-- 1' -- [[1]] &new{2014-06-30 (Mon) 13:39:13};
- 1 -- [[1]] &new{2014-06-30 (Mon) 13:39:15};
- 1 -- [[1]] &new{2014-07-04 (Fri) 08:26:22};
- 1 -- [[-1']] &new{2014-07-04 (Fri) 08:26:24};
-- 1' -- [[1]] &new{2014-07-04 (Fri) 08:26:28};
- 1 -- [[1]] &new{2014-07-04 (Fri) 08:26:32};
- 1 -- [[1]] &new{2014-08-07 (Thu) 15:10:33};
- 1 -- [[1]] &new{2014-08-07 (Thu) 15:10:37};
- 1 -- [[-1']] &new{2014-08-07 (Thu) 15:10:38};
-- 1' -- [[1]] &new{2014-08-07 (Thu) 15:10:39};
- 1 -- [[1]] &new{2014-08-07 (Thu) 15:10:40};
- 1 -- [[1]] &new{2014-08-11 (Mon) 19:28:24};
- 1 -- [[1]] &new{2014-08-11 (Mon) 19:28:26};
- 1 -- [[-1']] &new{2014-08-11 (Mon) 19:28:27};
-- 1' -- [[1]] &new{2014-08-11 (Mon) 19:28:28};
- 1 -- [[1]] &new{2014-08-11 (Mon) 19:28:29};
- 1 -- [[1]] &new{2014-10-06 (Mon) 15:53:52};
- 1 -- [[-1']] &new{2014-10-06 (Mon) 15:53:53};
-- 1' -- [[1]] &new{2014-10-06 (Mon) 15:53:54};
- 1 -- [[1]] &new{2014-10-06 (Mon) 15:53:56};
- 1 -- [[1]] &new{2014-10-15 (Wed) 10:29:51};
- 1 -- [[1]] &new{2014-10-15 (Wed) 10:29:56};
- 1 -- [[-1']] &new{2014-10-15 (Wed) 10:29:59};
-- 1' -- [[1]] &new{2014-10-15 (Wed) 10:29:59};
- 1 -- [[1]] &new{2014-10-15 (Wed) 10:30:01};
- 1 -- [[1]] &new{2014-11-18 (Tue) 18:21:36};
- 1 -- [[-1']] &new{2014-11-18 (Tue) 18:21:37};
-- 1' -- [[1]] &new{2014-11-18 (Tue) 18:21:38};
- 1 -- [[1]] &new{2014-11-18 (Tue) 18:21:39};
- 1 -- [[1]] &new{2014-11-24 (Mon) 06:23:12};
- 1 -- [[1]] &new{2014-11-24 (Mon) 06:23:15};
- 1 -- [[-1']] &new{2014-11-24 (Mon) 06:23:15};
-- 1' -- [[1]] &new{2014-11-24 (Mon) 06:23:16};
- 1 -- [[1]] &new{2014-11-24 (Mon) 06:23:17};
- 1 -- [[-1']] &new{2014-12-15 (Mon) 11:24:51};
-- 1' -- [[1]] &new{2014-12-15 (Mon) 11:24:52};
- 1 -- [[1]] &new{2014-12-15 (Mon) 11:24:52};
- 1 -- [[1]] &new{2014-12-31 (Wed) 14:45:26};
- 1 -- [[1]] &new{2014-12-31 (Wed) 14:45:29};
- 1 -- [[-1']] &new{2014-12-31 (Wed) 14:45:30};
-- 1' -- [[1]] &new{2014-12-31 (Wed) 14:45:31};
- 1 -- [[1]] &new{2014-12-31 (Wed) 14:45:32};
- 1 -- [[1]] &new{2015-01-11 (Sun) 12:38:31};
- 1 -- [[1]] &new{2015-01-11 (Sun) 12:38:36};
- 1 -- [[-1']] &new{2015-01-11 (Sun) 12:38:37};
-- 1' -- [[1]] &new{2015-01-11 (Sun) 12:38:38};
- 1 -- [[1]] &new{2015-01-11 (Sun) 12:38:41};
- 1 -- [[-1']] &new{2015-02-16 (Mon) 10:38:22};
-- 1' -- [[1]] &new{2015-02-16 (Mon) 10:38:23};
- 1 -- [[1]] &new{2015-02-16 (Mon) 10:38:24};
- 1 -- [[-1']] &new{2015-02-21 (Sat) 07:15:53};
-- 1' -- [[1]] &new{2015-02-21 (Sat) 07:15:54};
- 1 -- [[1]] &new{2015-02-21 (Sat) 07:15:55};
- 1 -- [[1]] &new{2015-03-23 (Mon) 02:51:18};
- 1 -- [[1]] &new{2015-03-26 (Thu) 08:34:35};
- 1 -- [[1]] &new{2015-03-26 (Thu) 08:34:37};
- 1 -- [[-1']] &new{2015-03-26 (Thu) 08:34:38};
-- 1' -- [[1]] &new{2015-03-26 (Thu) 08:34:39};
- 1 -- [[1]] &new{2015-03-26 (Thu) 08:34:39};
- 1 -- [[-1']] &new{2015-04-15 (Wed) 16:04:48};
-- 1' -- [[1]] &new{2015-04-17 (Fri) 01:58:27};
- 1 -- [[1]] &new{2015-04-17 (Fri) 01:58:28};
- 1 -- [[1]] &new{2015-05-20 (Wed) 10:32:35};
- 1 -- [[1]] &new{2015-05-20 (Wed) 10:32:37};
- 1 -- [[-1']] &new{2015-05-20 (Wed) 10:32:38};
-- 1' -- [[1]] &new{2015-05-20 (Wed) 10:32:39};
- 1 -- [[1]] &new{2015-05-20 (Wed) 10:32:39};
- 1 -- [[1]] &new{2015-05-28 (Thu) 22:43:24};
- 1 -- [[-1']] &new{2015-05-28 (Thu) 22:43:25};
-- 1' -- [[1]] &new{2015-05-28 (Thu) 22:43:26};
- 1 -- [[1]] &new{2015-05-28 (Thu) 22:43:26};
- 1 -- [[1]] &new{2015-06-11 (Thu) 06:15:18};
- 1 -- [[1]] &new{2015-06-11 (Thu) 06:15:20};
- 1 -- [[-1']] &new{2015-06-11 (Thu) 06:15:21};
-- 1' -- [[1]] &new{2015-06-11 (Thu) 06:15:21};
- 1 -- [[1]] &new{2015-06-11 (Thu) 06:15:22};
- 1 -- [[1]] &new{2015-06-23 (Tue) 16:26:35};
- 1 -- [[1]] &new{2015-06-23 (Tue) 16:26:37};
- 1 -- [[-1']] &new{2015-06-23 (Tue) 16:26:37};
-- 1' -- [[1]] &new{2015-06-23 (Tue) 16:26:38};
- 1 -- [[1]] &new{2015-06-23 (Tue) 16:26:38};
- 1 -- [[1]] &new{2015-06-28 (Sun) 16:39:27};
- 1 -- [[1]] &new{2015-06-28 (Sun) 16:39:29};
- 1 -- [[-1']] &new{2015-06-28 (Sun) 16:39:29};
-- 1' -- [[1]] &new{2015-06-28 (Sun) 16:39:30};
- 1 -- [[1]] &new{2015-06-28 (Sun) 16:39:30};
- 1 -- [[1]] &new{2015-07-28 (Tue) 19:40:40};
- 1 -- [[1]] &new{2015-07-28 (Tue) 19:40:42};
- 1 -- [[-1']] &new{2015-07-28 (Tue) 19:40:43};
-- 1' -- [[1]] &new{2015-07-28 (Tue) 19:40:44};
- 1 -- [[1]] &new{2015-07-28 (Tue) 19:40:45};
- 1 -- [[1]] &new{2015-10-31 (Sat) 15:00:18};
- 1 -- [[1]] &new{2015-10-31 (Sat) 15:00:23};
- 1 -- [[-1']] &new{2015-10-31 (Sat) 15:00:23};
-- 1' -- [[1]] &new{2015-10-31 (Sat) 15:00:24};
- 1 -- [[1]] &new{2015-10-31 (Sat) 15:00:25};
- 1 -- [[1]] &new{2015-12-29 (Tue) 02:01:49};
- 1 -- [[1]] &new{2015-12-29 (Tue) 02:01:50};
- 1 -- [[1]] &new{2015-12-29 (Tue) 02:01:51};
- 1 -- [[1]] &new{2015-12-29 (Tue) 02:01:53};
- 1 -- [[1]] &new{2015-12-29 (Tue) 02:01:54};
- 1 -- [[-1']] &new{2015-12-29 (Tue) 02:01:55};
-- 1' -- [[1]] &new{2015-12-29 (Tue) 02:01:56};
- 1 -- [[1]] &new{2015-12-29 (Tue) 02:01:56};
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- I quite like cooking <a href=" http://necina.org/propranolol-cena-10-mg.pdf ">cena propranolol</a>  Portas' party voted for this year's budget in parliament, which approved massive tax increases, but he said it had done so once more to avert a political crisis. In May he criticized a proposal for a special levy on pensions, saying "it is a frontier I cannot allow to be crossed". <a href=" http://www.fundapi.org/antirretrovirales-precio-colombia.pdf ">harga obat antiretroviral (arv)</a>  2011 - RIM launches PlayBook, which is panned for lacking coreBlackBerry functions such as email and organizer functions. Itlater books a writedown on unsold PlayBook inventory. Companyslashes financial forecasts, the first of many revisions, whichit then misses. Says will slash more than 10 percent of itsworkforce. Resists investor pressure for co-CEOs Mike Lazaridisand Jim Balsillie to step down. Offers to manage rival devicesincluding Apple's iPhone and iPad. Delays its QNX-basedBlackBerry 10 phones until late 2012.2012 - Lazaridis and Balsillie step down as co-chief executivesand chairmen. Thorstein Heins appointed CEO and Barbara Stymiestnamed chair of the board. Heins promises overhaul, says RIM willno longer issue financial forecasts. RIM hires bankers to assistwith strategic review, delays BlackBerry 10 again, until early2013. Shares hit lowest level in nearly a decade.  -- [[Alton]] &new{2016-09-08 (木) 02:16:51};
- perfect design thanks <a href=" http://www.trunorthsolar.com/amoxicillina-prescrizione.pdf ">amoxicilline generique de augmentin</a>  ASML said its full-year sales could be as high as 5 billioneuros ($6.6 billion), excluding a recent acquisition, up 6percent from 2012. As recently as April, it forecast salessimilar to last year's 4.73 billion euros. <a href=" http://www.trunorthsolar.com/comprar-atorvastatina-espaa.pdf ">atorvastatin preisvergleich schweiz</a>  Ray Allen&rsquo;s dramatic 3-pointer to save the Heat in Game 6 against the Spurs will forever be the stuff of highlight lore. They put together a 27-game winning streak in the regular season a year ago, the second-longest in NBA history. All that, the Heat say, is pretty much pushed aside now.  -- [[Olivia]] &new{2016-09-08 (木) 02:16:52};
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- Pleased to meet you <a href=" http://www.muuks.fi/asacol-preis.pdf#guide ">asacol lavman fiyat</a>  Several groups of terrorists are attacking, killing and committing atrocities against each other. Maybe they will develop stronger animosities against each other and continue to fight each other. Why go over there and give them all a common enemy &#8211; us. <a href=" http://atsora.com/index.php/ketoconazole-200-mg-generik.pdf ">prix shampoing ketoconazole</a>  Fiat SpA, the majority owner of Chrysler Group LLC, threatened to pull back from future commitments to the American carmaker if a health-care trust succeeds in selling its stake in an initial public offering.  -- [[Cooler111]] &new{2016-09-08 (木) 02:16:56};
- Looking for work <a href=" http://necina.org/digoxina-onde-comprar.pdf ">digoxina onde comprar</a>  This is a good idea. But I think if the NFL did this, in a way it would be them admitting the NFL is dangerous, the NFL acknowledges is, and thus it would prove correct all those lawsuits from former players. <a href=" http://atsora.com/index.php/champix-kopen-belgie.pdf ">champix kopen belgie</a>  Penn started the J/P Health Relief Organization after a catastrophic magnitude-7.0 earthquake ripped through Haiti in January 2010, killing more than 100,000 people. The organization set up camps for displaced residents and facilitated medical clinics. It continues to save lives and brings sustainable programs to benefit the nation. Penn acts as CEO and chairman of the board for the organization.  -- [[Tyson]] &new{2016-09-08 (木) 02:16:57};
- Special Delivery <a href=" http://www.fundapi.org/koreanischer-ginseng-kaufen.pdf#sinister ">pharmaton ginseng fiyat</a>  NEW YORK, Aug 20 (Reuters) - U.S. bond yields retreated fromtwo-year highs on Tuesday on revived safe-haven bids as priceson most world stock exchanges fell to the lowest level in over amonth on concerns that less U.S. monetary stimulus will hamperglobal growth. <a href=" http://www.muuks.fi/xeloda-kaufen.pdf ">xeloda 500mg precio</a>  &ndash; HMS Royal Katherine, whose launch in 1664 was attended by Charles II and Samuel Pepys. Later renamed HMS Ramillies, she fought in six battles before her loss, almost a century later, in 1760, when she was wrecked at Bolt Head, near Plymouth. Only 28 survived from the crew of 850 men.  -- [[Rodrigo]] &new{2016-09-08 (木) 02:16:57};
- History <a href=" http://www.fundapi.org/enalapril-orion-5-mg-hinta.pdf#hello ">enalapril al 10 kaufen</a>  "I'm sure the Chinese don't mind that I'm not there right now," he said. "There are areas where we have differences and they can present their point of view and not get as much push back as if I were there." <a href=" http://necina.org/periactin-4-mg-prix.pdf ">periactin tabletten bestellen</a>  Bill Riegel, who oversees $214 billion as the head of global equity at TIAA-CREF, believes shareholders can, and should, look at the long term. “I wholeheartedly disagree that restructurings can only be done in private,” he said. “This is how I built my career. I am a value guy and that’s what value guys live for,” he said, referring to the investment strategy of seeking undervalued companies.  -- [[Billie]] &new{2016-09-08 (木) 02:17:02};

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